Ontobee: A linked data server designed for ontologies. Ontobee is aimed to facilitate ontology data sharing, visualization, query, integration, and analysis. Ontobee dynamically ios全局伕理软件 and presents individual ontology term URIs to (i) HTML web pages for user-friendly web browsing and navigation, and to (ii) RDF source code for Semantic Web applications. Ontobee is the default linked data server for most OBO Foundry library ontologies. Ontobee has also been used for many non-OBO ontologies.
Currently Ontobee has been applied for the following ontologies:
No. | ios全局伕理软件 | Ontology Full Name | OBO | List of Terms |
1 | AEO | Anatomical Entity Ontology | L | |
2 | AGRO | Agronomy Ontology | L | |
3 | AMPHX | The Amphioxus Development and Anatomy Ontology | L | |
4 | APO | Ascomycete phenotype ontology | L | |
5 | APOLLO_SV | Apollo Structured Vocabulary | L | |
6 | ARO | Antibiotic Resistance Ontology | L | |
7 | BCGO | Beta Cell Genomics Ontology | L | |
8 | BCO | Biological Collections Ontology | L | |
9 | BFO | Basic Formal Ontology | F | |
10 | BFO11 | Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) 1.1 | L | |
11 | BSPO | Biological Spatial Ontology | L | |
12 | BTO | BRENDA tissue / enzyme source | L | |
13 | CARO | Common Anatomy Reference Ontology | L | |
14 | iphone手机如何上外网 | Comparative Data Analysis Ontology | L | |
15 | CEPH | iphone手机如何上外网 | L | |
16 | CHEBI | Chemical Entities of Biological Interest | F | |
17 | CHEMINF | Chemical Information Ontology | L | |
18 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology | L | |
19 | CHMO | Chemical Methods Ontology | L | |
20 | ios全局伕理软件 | 2021客如云开放平台大会暨新品发布会干货来啦!-千龙网· ...:2021-11-4 · 4.手机下单,到店自取。从过去三个月的数据来看,年轻消费者更喜欢用手机完成点单。无论是堂食还是外卖,扫码点单已经成为趋势,90后是绝对主流,但80后用手机点单的比例也在快速提升。 城市机会挖掘 本次蓝皮书报告对城市机会进行了挖掘。 | L | |
21 | CIO | Confidence Information Ontology | L | |
22 | CL | Cell Ontology | L | |
23 | CLO | Cell Line Ontology | L | |
24 | iphone手机如何上外网 | Cell Line Ontology - Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry | N | |
25 | CLO-NICR | Cell Line Ontology - Chinese National Infrastructure of Cell Line Resource | N | |
26 | iphone手机如何上外网 | Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology | L | |
27 | CMO | Clinical measurement ontology | L | |
28 | COB | Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine | L | |
29 | CRO | Contributor Role Ontology | L | |
30 | CTCAE-OAEview | OAE CTCAE view | N | |
31 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | Ctenophore Ontology | L | |
32 | CTO | CTO: Core Ontology of Clinical Trials | L | |
33 | CVDO | Cardiovascular Disease Ontology | L | |
34 | d-acts | Ontology of Document Acts | N | |
35 | iphone手机如何上外网 | Dictyostelium discoideum anatomy | L | |
36 | DDPHENO | Dictyostelium discoideum phenotype ontology | L | |
37 | DIDEO | OPPO和vivo的“人民战争”:2021-9-1 · 华为把苹果打得透不过气。OPPO和vivo又给了乔布斯神话猛烈一击。这场智能手机世纪大战,卷入了全球所有高科技巨头,作为人类商业历史上最伟大的战争,其戏剧不断,高潮迭起:2021年第二季度的全球智能手机排行榜上,黑马杀出! | L | |
38 | DOID | Human Disease Ontology | F | |
39 | DPO | Drosophila Phenotype Ontology | L | |
40 | DRON | ios全局伕理软件 | L | |
41 | DUO | Data Use Ontology | L | |
42 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | The Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology | L | |
43 | ECO | Evidence ontology | L | |
44 | ECOCORE | 新蓝网 - 浙江广播电视集团新媒体 - 浙江第一视频门户:2 天前 · 浙江广播电视集团新媒体,整合浙江卫视在内的18个广播电视频道的优势资源, 打造“浙江第一视频门户”,为网民提供互联网、通信网、电视网三网融合、无缝衔接的新媒体优质服务。 | L | |
45 | ECTO | Environmental conditions, treatments and exposures ontology | L | |
46 | EDAM | EMBRACE Data and Methods | N | |
47 | EFO | iphone手机如何上外网 | N | |
48 | EHDAA2 | 小改装大升级!出门问问发布魔镜魔眼两款新品 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-22 · 【环球智能11月22日报道】今天下午,中国人工智能公司出门问问举行了一场主题为“智驾新境界”的新品发布会,在会上正式发布了问问魔镜Ticmirror和问问魔眼Ticeye两款智能车载新品,将AI思维产品正式落地车载市场。 | L | |
49 | EMAPA | Mouse Developmental Anatomy Ontology | L | |
50 | ENVO | Environment Ontology | L | |
51 | EPO | Epidemiology Ontology | L | |
52 | ERO | eagle-i resource ontology | L | |
53 | EUPATH | VEuPathDB ontology | L | |
54 | ExO | Exposure ontology | L | |
55 | FAO | Fungal gross anatomy | L | |
56 | FBBI | Biological Imaging Methods Ontology | L | |
57 | FBBT | Drosophila gross anatomy | L | |
58 | FBCV | FlyBase Controlled Vocabulary | L | |
59 | ios全局伕理软件 | Drosophila development | L | |
60 | FIX | Physico-chemical methods and properties | L | |
61 | FLOPO | Flora Phenotype Ontology | L | |
62 | FMA | Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (subset) | L | |
63 | FOBI | FOBI | L | |
64 | FOODON | FOODON | L | |
65 | FOVT | FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits | L | |
66 | FYPO | Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology | L | |
67 | GAZ | Gazetteer | L | |
68 | GENEPIO | Genomic Epidemiology Ontology | L | |
69 | GENO | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | L | |
70 | GEO | Geographical Entity Ontology | L | |
71 | GNO | Glycan Naming and Subsumption Ontology (GNOme) | L | |
72 | GO | Gene Ontology | F | |
73 | HANCESTRO | Human Ancestry Ontology | L | |
74 | HAO | Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology | L | |
75 | HOM | Homology Ontology | L | |
76 | HP | Human Phenotype Ontology | L | |
77 | HSAPDV | Human Developmental Stages | L | |
78 | HTN | Hypertension Ontology | L | |
79 | IAO | Information Artifact Ontology | L | |
80 | IAO-Onto-Meta | IAO Ontology Metadata | N | |
81 | ICDO | International Classification of Disease Ontology | N | |
82 | ICEO | 手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 … | L | |
83 | ICO | Informed Consent Ontology | L | |
84 | IDO | Infectious Disease Ontology | L | |
85 | IDOBRU | Brucellosis Ontology | N | |
86 | IDOMAL | Malaria Ontology | L | |
87 | INO | Interaction Network Ontology | L | |
88 | ios全局伕理软件 | Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology | L | |
89 | KTAO | Kidney Tissue Atlas Ontology | N | |
90 | LABO | clinical LABoratory Ontology | L | |
91 | iphone手机如何上外网 | CLO LINCS view | N | |
92 | LTHIDO | LTHIDO | N | |
93 | MA | Mouse adult gross anatomy | L | |
94 | MAMO | Mathematical modeling ontology | L | |
95 | MAXO | Medical Action Ontology | L | |
96 | MCO | Microbial Conditions Ontology | L | |
97 | MF | Mental Functioning Ontology | L | |
98 | MFMO | 索尼Z5尊享版评测 4K屏推进创新与完善 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-9 · 虽然拥有诸多先天优势,但索尼Z5尊享版在软件上的本地化不足也确实是其最大的弊病之一,在当下国产手机都已重心拼体验的情况下,身为国际 ... | L | |
99 | MFOEM | Emotion Ontology | L | |
100 | MFOMD | Mental Disease Ontology | L | |
101 | MI | Molecular Interactions Controlled Vocabulary | L | |
102 | iphone手机如何上外网 | MIAPA Ontology | L | |
103 | miRNAO | microRNA Ontology | L | |
104 | MIRO | 关于AirPods语音唤醒 你想知道的都在这里 - huanqiu.com:2021-5-26 · 据产业分析师预测,2021年苹果AirPods出货量将超过5000亿台,2021年更是有望破亿!这款从发布被人嘲笑,到后来成功引领市场的产品,早已成为各家 ... | L | |
105 | MMO | Measurement method ontology | L | |
106 | MMUSDV | Mouse Developmental Stages | L | |
107 | MOD | Protein modification | L | |
108 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | L | |
109 | MOP | iphone手机如何上外网 | L | |
110 | MP | Mammalian Phenotype Ontology | L | |
111 | MPATH | Mouse pathology | N | |
112 | MPIO | 评论频道-中国青年网:2 天前 · 中国青年网评论频道,众青年的眼光观察世界,众世界的眼光观察青年,是青年观点的汇聚地,是青年意见的发声台。频道旨在培养具有独立思考精神和强烈社会责任感的青年,为广大青年群体提供一个发声、发光、发展的平台,用思想推动中国梦。 | L | |
113 | MRO | MHC Restriction Ontology | L | |
114 | MS | Mass spectrometry ontology | L | |
115 | NBO | Neuro Behavior Ontology | L | |
116 | NCBITaxon | NCBI organismal classification | L | |
117 | NCIT | NCI Thesaurus OBO Edition | L | |
118 | NCRO | Non-Coding RNA Ontology | L | |
119 | NDF-RT | National Drug File Reference Terminology | N | |
120 | NOMEN | 瑞典项目库(二) - mofcom.gov.cn:用户可众在无需打开包装的状态下全局访问设备中 的数据,并了解货物的预期状况。 使用该应用程序可众提供近乎实时的信息和可 跟踪的货物坐标。 欢迎对此公司和项目有兴趣的开展技术合作、股权合作、市场合作的产业或资本投资人与 In-Nordic联系,索要进一步资料。 | L | |
121 | OAE | Ontology of Adverse Events | L | |
122 | iphone手机如何上外网 | Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems | L | |
123 | OBA | Ontology of Biological Attributes | L | |
124 | OBCS | Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics | L | |
125 | OBI | Ontology for Biomedical Investigations | F | |
126 | OBI-NIAID-GSC-BRC-view | OBI NIAID-GSC-BRC view | N | |
127 | OBIB | Ontology for Biobanking | L | |
128 | OBIws | OBI web service, development version | N | |
129 | OCE | Ontology of Chemical Elements | N | |
130 | OCMR | Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism | N | |
131 | OCVDAE | Ontology of Cardiovascular Drug Adverse Events | N | |
132 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | Ontology of Drug Adverse Events | N | |
133 | ODNAE | Ontologyof Drug Neuropathy Adverse Events | N | |
134 | OGG | The Ontology of Genes and Genomes | L | |
135 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | 宁愿因过早保持谨慎而少赚一笔,也胜过等危机 ...-荔枝网新闻:2021-8-3 · Andrew指出,苹果手机只有10年的历史,而 20年前互联网并未普及。这让人怀疑,科技股的投资者是否真的能够看清未来?又有多少人心甘情 愿为这些企业长期盈利能力的乐观预期支付高价? | N | |
136 | OGG-Bru | “中国经济增长与周期(2021)”国际高峰论坛:2021-6-28 · 中国经济增长与周期(2021)高峰论坛6月28日在京召开 由中国社会科学院经济研究所、首都经济贸易大学、 中国经济实验研究院、 《经济研究》杂志 ... | N | |
137 | OGG-Ce | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Caenorhabditis elegans | N | |
138 | OGG-Dm | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Fruit Fly | N | |
139 | OGG-Dr | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Zebrafish | N | |
140 | OGG-Mm | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Mouse | N | |
141 | OGG-Pf | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Plasmodium falciparum | N | |
142 | OGG-Sc | Ontology of Genes and Genomes - Yeast | N | |
143 | OGI | Ontology for genetic interval | L | |
144 | OGMS | Ontology for General Medical Science | L | |
145 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | Ontology of Genetic Susceptibility Factor | L | |
146 | OHD | The Oral Health and Disease Ontology | L | |
147 | OHMI | Ontology of Host-Microbiome Interactions | L | |
148 | OHPI | Ontology of Host Pathogen Interactions | L | |
149 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | Medaka Developmental Stages | L | |
150 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件 | Ontology for Linking Biological and Medical Ontologies | N | |
151 | OMIABIS | Ontologized MIABIS | L | |
152 | OMIT | ios全局伕理软件 | L | |
153 | OMO | OBO Metadata Ontology | L | |
154 | OMP | Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes | L | |
155 | OMRSE | Ontology of Medically Related Social Entities | L | |
156 | ONS | ONS | L | |
157 | ONTONEO | Obstetric and Neonatal Ontology | L | |
158 | OOSTT | Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems | L | |
159 | OPL | Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle | L | |
160 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation | L | |
161 | ios全局伕理软件 | Ontology of RNA Sequencing | L | |
162 | OSCI | Ontology for Stem Cell Investigations | N | |
163 | OVAE | Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events | L | |
164 | PATO | Phenotype And Trait Ontology | F | |
165 | PCO | Population and Community Ontology | L | |
166 | PDRO | The Prescription of Drugs Ontology | L | |
167 | PDUMDV | Platynereis Developmental Stages | L | |
168 | PECO | Plant Experimental Conditions Ontology | L | |
169 | PHIPO | Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology | L | |
170 | PLANA | planaria-ontology | L | |
171 | PLANP | Planarian Phenotype Ontology | L | |
172 | PNO | Proper Name Ontology | N | |
173 | PO | Plant Ontology | F | |
174 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | L | |
175 | PPO | Plant Phenology Ontology | L | |
176 | PR | PRotein Ontology (PRO) | F | |
177 | PSO | Plant Stress Ontology | L | |
178 | PW | Pathway ontology | L | |
179 | REX | Physico-chemical process | L | |
180 | RNAO | RNA ontology | L | |
181 | RO | Relation Ontology | L | |
182 | RS | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | L | |
183 | RXNO | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | L | |
184 | SBO | Systems Biology Ontology | L | |
185 | SDGIO | Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology | N | |
186 | SEPIO | Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology | L | |
187 | SIBO | Social Insect Behavior Ontology | L | |
188 | SIO | Semanticscience Integrated Ontology | N | |
189 | SO | Sequence types and features ontology | L | |
190 | SPD | Spider Ontology | L | |
191 | STATO | The Statistical Methods Ontology | L | |
192 | SWO | Software ontology | L | |
193 | SYMP | Symptom Ontology | L | |
194 | TADS | Tick Anatomy Ontology | L | |
195 | TAXRANK | Taxonomic rank vocabulary | L | |
196 | TGMA | Mosquito gross anatomy ontology | L | |
197 | TO | Plant Trait Ontology | L | |
198 | TRANS | iphone手机如何上外网 | L | |
199 | TSO | Transportation System Ontology | N | |
200 | TTO | Teleost taxonomy ontology | L | |
201 | TXPO | Toxic Process Ontology | L | |
202 | 苹果手机全局伕理软件下载 | Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology | L | |
203 | UO | Units of measurement ontology | L | |
204 | UPA | Unipathway | L | |
205 | UPHENO | Unified phenotype ontology (uPheno) | L | |
206 | VariO | Variation Ontology | L | |
207 | VICO | Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology | N | |
208 | VIO | Vaccine Investigation Ontology | N | |
209 | VIVO-ISF | VIVO-ISF | N | |
210 | VO | Vaccine Ontology | L | |
211 | VT | Vertebrate trait ontology | L | |
212 | VTO | Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology | L | |
213 | WBbt | C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology | L | |
214 | WBLS | C. elegans development ontology | L | |
215 | WBPhenotype | C. elegans phenotype | L | |
216 | XAO | Xenopus Anatomy Ontology | F | |
217 | XCO | Experimental condition ontology | L | |
218 | XPO | Xenopus Phenotype Ontology | L | |
219 | ZECO | Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology | L | |
220 | ZFA | 东北网2021年06月01日新闻汇总:苹果iPad上市两月销量已达200万台 2021-06-01 14:05 [568][ 东北网黑龙江 ] 哈尔滨市一户居民家中起火 七旬老太被浓烟熏死 2021-06-01 14:04 | F | |
221 | ZFS | Zebrafish developmental stages ontology | L | |
222 | ZP | Zebrafish Phenotype Ontology | L |
Please cite the following reference for Ontobee:
Ong E, Xiang Z, Zhao B, Liu Y, Lin Y, Zheng J, Mungall C, Courtot M, Ruttenberg A, He Y. Ontobee: A linked ontology data server to support ontology term dereferencing, linkage, query, and integration. Nucleic Acid Research. 2017 Jan 4;45(D1):D347-D352. PMID: 苹果手机全局伕理软件. PMCID: PMC5210626.
手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 …
Xiang Z, Mungall C, Ruttenberg A, He Y. Ontobee: A Linked Data Server and Browser for Ontology Terms. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO), July 28-30, 2011, Buffalo, NY, USA. Pages 279-281. URL: 小改装大升级!出门问问发布魔镜魔眼两款新品 - huanqiu.com:2021-11-22 · 【环球智能11月22日报道】今天下午,中国人工智能公司出门问问举行了一场主题为“智驾新境界”的新品发布会,在会上正式发布了问问魔镜Ticmirror和问问魔眼Ticeye两款智能车载新品,将AI思维产品正式落地车载市场。.